Welcomed two Earlham College students

Welcomed two Earlham College students Today Castlecliff Coast Care again welcomed two Earlham College students on placement, during their stay in Whanganui.  University age students from Earlham College have helped Coast Care since 2012, tackling weeds, looking after the native plants and participating in educational sessions while on placement.  Plus …

Castlecliff Coastcare celebrating the Coastal Restoration Trust award

Castlecliff Coastcare celebrating the Coastal Restoration Trust award Great evening last night with Castlecliff Coastcare celebrating the Coastal Restoration Trust award of the Pīngao & Toheroa Trophy Award to Graham & Lyn Pearson. Read more about the award here It’s the second time the award has come to Castlecliff with …

Castlecliff coastal predator control program given major boost

Castlecliff coastal predator control program given major boost Winning a Whanganui District Council (WDC) youth scholarship has provided the ideal opportunity for Jake Newton to support Progress Castlecliff’s Coast Care group, by contributing predator traps, boxes, and a huge pot of peanut butter. Supported by DOC Predator Free Ranger Sanne …

From Whanganui District Council

Whanganui District Council: Facebook post 20 July 2022 A huge thank you to the almost 50 people who came along to the Castlecliff Coastcare community planting day at Morgan Street last Saturday, 16 July. What a fantastic community turnout!  Planting native sand binders, spinifex and pingao reduces sand blowing on …

Exciting times for our Coast

Conservation Comment, May   2022 Exciting times for our Coast Coast Care members remain heartened and grateful to the huge turnout of helpers at last winter’s community planting day near the North Mole. The start of a joint project with WDC to block off and stabilise the huge blow out that …

A big thank you

A big thank you to all the folks that came along on Saturday evening and this morning to help water and mulch the rear dune plants Seven of us on Saturday and eight this morning watered and mulched the small plants that we could reach with four hoses, and a …

Potting Up

The “team” potted up almost 200 Ngaios that had been gifted to Coast Care.They will be grown on and planted out on the rear dunes in the winter months of 2022.Coast Care now has these Ngaios, plus Harakeke, Taupatas and some Cabbage trees located in a volunteer’s Castlecliff back garden, …