Sea Rush

Sea Rush


Sea Rush (ficinia natosa) Knobby Club Rush. Wiwi. Juncus kraussiana.

Where does it grow?

It grows throughout NZ  on the coast in a wide range of habitats from wetlands through to dunes. In Castlecliff it is not common but it has been seen growing in the dunes on the landward side of the foredunes.

What does it look like?

It is a native rush (sedge) which grows in stiff clumps of dark green, shiny stems that are thin, round and tapered at the ends. The rounded, spiky, white solitary flowers, 7-20 mm in diameter  grow just beneath the pointed tip of each stem. Wiwi flowers from September to December. Each flower develops into a knobbly brown seed head which contains very dark brown nuts about 1 mm in size. The seed heads remain on many of the stems.  It is these distinctive brown seedheads that make wiwi easy to recognize.

Sea Rush. Photo provided by Colin Olge
Sea Rush. Photo provided by Colin Olge

Why is it important to Castlecliff  Beach?

It is a very versatile coastal plant and may grow well on the mid and back dunes.

Photo provided by Colin Olge